Stockpile & Reclaim

  • Fixed Stackers
  • Radial Stackers
  • Radial/Elevating Stackers
  • Trippers

Continental can offer solutions to customers stockpiling requirements from initial concept through to installation and commissioning.

Part of a complete system this fixed stacker creates a stockpile of sand and aggregates for a UK Tarmac operation.

Twin Discharge Tripper creating a 25,000 tonne stockpile of sea dredged sand and gravel at Lafarge Aggregats Ltd on the River Thames.
(see project case studies)

Radial Elevating Stacker at Smith & Son

At its lowest height this unit forms part of the conveyor line loading to a plant feed conveyor and can be elevated and slewed to create a 7 m high stockpile if the processing plant stops.